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\nServer. Viewer. Display. AI All in one iPad
\n \nComprehensive Viewing Tools
\n Provide users with intuitive interface for optimum viewing \n experience to satisfy the needs of radiologists and
\n medical professionals as they view
\n medical images on daily basis.
AI Gateway
\nEnable both edge and cloud computing capabilities to
\n visualize AI inference on images for aid in the diagnosis
\n or detection for diseases.
AI Gateway
\nEnable both edge and cloud computing capabilities to
\n visualize AI inference on images for aid in the diagnosis
\n or detection for diseases.
Custom Mammo Hanging Protocol
\n Allow radiologists to identify and assess reliable breast
\n cancer screening and outcomes through customizable
\n hanging protocol settings.
Comprehensive Viewing Tools
\n Provide users with intuitive interface for\n optimum
viewing experience to satisfy the needs of\n radiologists and
medical professionals as they view \n medical images on daily basis.
AI Gateway
\nEnable both edge and cloud computing capabilities to
\n visualize AI inference on images for aid in the diagnosis
\n or detection for diseases.
Custom Mammo Hanging Protocol
\n Allow radiologists to identify and assess reliable breast
\n cancer screening and outcomes through customizable
\n hanging protocol settings.
Easy Update
\nIf the app requires update, you can simply \n update it through Apple App Store.
Easy Replacement
\nIf the device breaks down, \n you can simply replace it by getting\n a new iPad at any Apple authorized dealer.
Easy Data Backup
\nAll image data stored in UDE\n can be backup to cloud-based servers or any compatible NAS.
\nThe UDE APP work flow
\nEdge Computing
\nReplacement Cost
\nSet Up Cost
\nPACS work flow
\nWhat makes the UDE APP Unique?
\nThe UDE App comes with an in-house designed calibration procedure\n that works with an external luminance meter manufactured by the third-party \n vendor. The calibration complies with the AAPM protocol and ensures any display \n of iPad Pro follows the DICOM Curve.
\nReporting System
\nWhile traveling, doctors and medical professionals can \n complete their reports by using the AgileRIS, the app-based reporting \n system designed by EBM specifically for the UDE App. The reporting app \n connects with any Radiology Information System (RIS) to enable the ability\n for exam images and list of report to be pre-downloaded on iPad. Both the \n images and the list are saved locally for offline access.
\nAI-Ready Platform
\nTurn the conventional referral procedure into completely CD-less\n solution with DICOM image files sent directly to your mobile devices.\n (Allow patients to view/share medical images easily without a physical disk \n and facilitate hospitals/clinics transferal procedures.)
\nAlternative of CD Burning
\nThe UDE App changes the conventional referral procedure \n into completely CD-less with DICOM image files being sent directly to mobile \n device through either AirDrop (iOS only) or QR Code. The feature help facilitate \n the teleconsultation process between doctor and doctor while fulfilling the goal \n of reducing CD emissions.
\nCertification & Awards
\nThe UDE App displays images from CT, MR, CR, US, XA and SC for the trained\n physician’s diagnosis or referring purpose.
\n*The UDE App is not to be used for mammography diagnosis.
\nThe UDE App displays images from CT, MR, CR, US, XA and SC for the trained\n physician’s diagnosis or referring purpose.
\n \n*The UDE App is not to be used for mammography diagnosis.
\nExplore the Potential of The UDE App
\nWe’ve seen the UDE app being used in various scenarios, helping medical \n professionals to stay efficient and to create more values. The UDE App is \n not intended to replace a full diagnostic workstation or system but to be a\n value-added option.
\nMobile Clinics
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